For the Love of Corks

As the world of wine has increasingly started to embrace new forms of packaging and closure, we at Ambiente have stayed steadfast in our mission to list nothing but wine sealed with a cork. But why?

Beyond their functional purpose, there's an undeniable charm and mystique about these little guardians of taste and memories. Cork closures have long been associated with elegance and celebration. There's something undeniably delightful about the theatre of opening a bottle with a cork, anticipating the magical libations within, heralded by that distinctive ‘pop’.

Let’s raise a glass to Mother Nature!

Cork closures have been around for centuries with evidence as far back as ancient Greece. Made from the bark of the cork oak, a majestic tree with a thick, rugged exterior and soft, spongy interior. For this reason, cork closures have also become sustainable icons in the wine world. Their renewable nature and environmental benefits make them a top choice for eco-conscious enthusiasts. So, when you're enjoying a glass of vino sealed with a cork closure, take a moment to appreciate the eco-friendly twist you're toasting to Mother Nature.

Not only do cork closures provide a seal, but they also allow just the right amount of oxygen to subtly interact with the wine. They can be designed to admit as little oxygen as possible for wines that are produced to be enjoyed fresh and young. They can also be designed so oxygen can enhance the wine’s complexity and flavours over time.

The dreaded Trichloroanisole

We must however acknowledge that cork closures do have one nemesis — the dreaded "cork taint” or to give it its scientific name 2,4,6 Trichloroanisole. This is a rare occurrence when a wine develops an unpleasant odour due to a tainted cork. Thankfully as winery hygiene has increased and cork ‘engineering’ has developed it is now less of a worry.

A timeless symbol of tradition, sustainability, and joyful anticipation, cork closures offer a small but delightful touch to our drinking experience. Take time to appreciate the corks in your next bottles of wine, the smell, the texture, and in some cases the artwork. 

Tell us where to stick our corks and win a prize!

We would also welcome any suggestions you have to make good use of the thousands we have amassed over the years! Best suggestion to by 20th February will be rewarded with a small token of our appreciation.


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